Thursday, May 16, 2013

Presidents Code - Random Insights: John Milledge

President Pro Tempore John Milledge

John Milledge was a Democratic-Republican who held the office of President Pro Tempore from 1/30/1809-5/21/1809.  He was elected as President Pro Tempore at the end of Thomas Jefferson's Presidency and would continue in this role into the early months of James Madison's term in office. His name meaning displays the grace of God which He gave Adam and Eve despite of their rebellion.

Thomas Jefferson's Presidency portrayed the account of Genesis 3 where the serpent beguiled Adam and Eve into eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge.  Milledge continued his term as President Pro Tempore into the Presidency of James Madison which displayed the prophesied war between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.  This link between the deception of the serpent and the promise of the Seed of the woman is a beautiful display of the Lord showing His grace would come through the Seed of the woman who would destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).

John means the grace or camp of Yah, referring to either the land of God or His people or both.

Milledge has the meaning of a 'dairy farm' which is a parable of the Garden of Eden (This is explained in more detail in the book).

Although Adam and Eve had sinned against God, He still showed His love and grace by covering them with skins to hide their nakedness (Genesis 3:21).

Milledge's term as President Pro Tempore continuing into the Presidency of James Madison is significant as Madison's Presidency would portray the battle between the Seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent spoken of in Genesis 3:15. The promise of the Seed of the woman is yet another example of God's grace as Jesus Christ, the epitome of God's grace and forgiveness, would fulfill this promise (John 1:14, 17).